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How to deal with exam stress?

Every year when the day of results come students are in deep fear, parents are worried and relatives are excited to know about it. Students are thinking if they will be able to match the expectations of their parents or not. Students are anxious thinking about their future if they don’t get above 90%. Students are visualising the day when their results will be out and are overthinking. Throughout the day the only thing they think about is board result and even while sleeping they have nightmares about the same.

To all those who have their heart palpitating, are biting their nails, walking around the house and drinking water again and again. Just take a deep breath and relax. It is just the day of result and not the doom’s day. Even if you will not get marks up to your expectations it will matter a bit but it is not the only thing which will matter as this is not the last exam of your life. You will get many other opportunities to showcase your talent and succeed in life. If you have scored good marks and are still grieving thinking about you would have scored more. You will also get many opportunities in life to do more better but for now be happy and satisfied as being greedy is not good.

After 10-20 years or even when you die neither you nor people will remember your exam results but what everyone will remember is your knowledge, talent, etiquettes, deeds and actions. For now you will think that if you will not score good in exams it’s the end of the world but the truth is life will throw much big challenges on youexams and are nothing in front of them so be strong now. Your mark sheet will be placed somewhere in a folder in a cupboard and what the world will see is you- your personality, character and knowledge.

Instead of being depressed after the result, try to make yourself better. Learning from mistakes is always the best option. Those who will not score good marks, promise yourself that next time you will work more hard and do far better than this Those who will score good marks, promise yourself you will not get over-confident and work more hard to score even better. Your parents and teachers may even scold you and you may even be taunted for not standing up to their expectations and not scoring good percentage, but take this in a positive form and work harder and bounce back, the day you will do this everyone who taunted you will actually be proud of you.

All the best to everyone! Keep your spirit high!

Here are some tips to deal with EXAM STRESS-

Check out the video for more tips-

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