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It's more than an interest, it's a lifestyle


Tell me if you check at least one of these points: 

  • You constantly ask yourself "Where did I put those keys?" or "Where did I park my car?" ​

  • You can't recall a familiar face and term yet it's somehow on the tip of your tongue

  • It take longer than it used to to complete a simple task that requires processing information

Ur Better Brain aims to help you fight these daily challenges with the use of engaging games, puzzles, and trivia challenges. Inspired by the book "399 games, puzzles, & trivia challenges specially designed to keep your brain young" by Nancy Linde, Ur Better Brain started out as a social media blog solely focused on helping you keep your brain young and beautiful, and to fight off Alzheimer's disease and dementia effects for as long as possible.

Enjoying a Meal

The purpose of this blog

The word "games" is misleading yet accurate. We can definitely say that these mind games are fun (ask our followers!) but they have a bigger purpose: a rigorous exercise workout to keep your brain in tip-top shape. 

Think of working out your abs or your legs. You can't expect a six pack out of one sit-up or a toned leg after one block of walking. Your brain is the same. Consistency is KEY to your successful brain health. Keep on playing our games and constantly challenge yourself to complete each game. 


Moving on from the games, we are also writing blogs! Ranging from advice on how to finally stop procrastinating to the latest news in the cognitive science world to personal experience on brain health, we're aiming to educate everyone about the importance of brain and mental health.


Feel more than free to browse our website and email us if you have any questions or comments. We are so happy you're here to advocate for your own brain health and wish you the best luck on your journey.

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